Getting started with the REST API for Number

Our REST API allows full integration of Number services with a high degree of customization. You can use our REST API reference to learn about specific methods in the API.

Before you continue this section, we recommend reading sections about authentication, best practices, and input validation.



An example of using the Authenticate method.

public static async Task Authenticate(string acctCode, string token)
  using HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
  string apiUrl =

  string jsonContent = $$"""

  HttpContent content = new StringContent(
    jsonContent, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
  HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient
    .PostAsync(apiUrl, content);

  if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
    MessageBox.Show("Error code: " + response.StatusCode);
    // <Insert your Logging function here>

  var authResponse = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert
      await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
  var authResult = authResponse.AuthenticateResult;

  // Here are some of the important values 
  bool functionOk = (bool)authResult.FunctionOk;
  bool authSuccess = (bool)authResult.AuthSuccess;
  int errCode = (int)authResult.ErrCode;
  string errMsg = (string)authResult.ErrMsg;
  string respMsg = (string)authResult.RespMsg;

  // Check for unexpected error on server
  if (!functionOk)
    MessageBox.Show(errMsg + " ErrorCode: " + errCode);
    // <Insert your Logging function here>

  // Check for expected problems such as invalid
  // or expired credentials and inactive account.
  if (!authSuccess)
    // <Insert your Logging function here>

  /* Arriving here means that the Authentication was successful. 
     * You will retrieve a SessionKey and 
     * a list of Merchant Records associated with this account. 
     * The session key should be used for all subsequent API calls */

  string sessKey = (string)authResult.SessKey;
  var merchantList = authResult.MerchantList;

  // <Store the Session Key and the Merchant List>

An example of using ConsentAnnual_ProcPayment method.

public static async Task ProcessConsent(
  string sessKey, int consentId, decimal processAmount)
  using HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
  string apiUrl = "";

  string jsonContent = $$"""

  HttpContent content = new StringContent(
    jsonContent, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
  httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("SessKey", sessKey);
  HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient
    .PostAsync(apiUrl, content);

  if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
    MessageBox.Show("Error code: " + response.StatusCode);
    // <Insert your Logging function here>

  var saleResponse = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert
      await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
  var procPaymentResult = saleResponse.ConsentAnnual_ProcPaymentResult;

  // Here are some of the important values 
  bool functionOk = (bool)procPaymentResult.FunctionOk;
  bool txApproved = (bool)procPaymentResult.TxApproved;
  int errCode = (int)procPaymentResult.ErrCode;
  string errMsg = (string)procPaymentResult.ErrMsg;
  string respMsg = (string)procPaymentResult.RespMsg;

  int txId = (int)procPaymentResult.TxID;
  int txnCode = (int)procPaymentResult.TxnCode;

  // Check for unexpected error on server
  if (!functionOk)
    MessageBox.Show(errMsg + " ErrorCode: " + errCode);
    // <Insert your Logging function here>

  // Check for declined transaction
  if (!txApproved)
    MessageBox.Show(respMsg + " Decline Code: " + txnCode);
    // <Insert your Logging function here>
    MessageBox.Show(respMsg + " Approval Code: " + txnCode);
    // <Insert your Logging function here>
    // <Do something with the response if needed>

Void Transaction

An example of using CardSale_Void method.

public static async Task TransactionVoid(string sessKey, int txID)
  using HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
  string apiUrl = "";

  string jsonContent = $$"""

  HttpContent content = new StringContent(
    jsonContent, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
  httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("SessKey", sessKey);
  HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient
    .PostAsync(apiUrl, content);

  if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
    MessageBox.Show("Error code: " + response.StatusCode);
    // <Insert your Logging function here>

  var voidResponse = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert
      await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
  var voidResult = voidResponse.Transaction_VoidResult;

  // Here are some of the important values 
  bool functionOk = (bool)voidResult.FunctionOk;
  int errCode = (int)voidResult.ErrCode;
  string errMsg = (string)voidResult.ErrMsg;
  string respMsg = (string)voidResult.RespMsg;

  bool txApproved = (bool)voidResult.TxApproved;
  int resultTxId = (int)voidResult.TxID;

  // Check for unexpected error on server
  if (!functionOk)
    MessageBox.Show(errMsg + " ErrorCode: " + errCode);
    // <Insert your Logging function here>

  // Check for declined transaction
  if (!txApproved)
    MessageBox.Show(respMsg + " Decline Code: " + txnCode);
    // <Insert your Logging function here>
    MessageBox.Show(respMsg + " Approval Code: " + txnCode);
    // <Insert your Logging function here>
    // <Do something with the response if needed>

Credit Transaction

An example of using CardSale_ApplyCredit method.

public static async Task TransactionCredit(
  string sessKey, int txID, decimal creditAmount)
  using HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
  string apiUrl = "";

  string jsonContent = $$"""

  HttpContent content = new StringContent(
    jsonContent, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
  httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("SessKey", sessKey);
  HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient
    .PostAsync(apiUrl, content);

  if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
    MessageBox.Show("Error code: " + response.StatusCode);
    // <Insert your Logging function here>

  var creditResponse = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert
      await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
  var creditResult = creditResponse.Transaction_ApplyCreditResult;

  // Here are some of the important values 
  bool functionOk = (bool)creditResult.FunctionOk;
  int errCode = (int)creditResult.ErrCode;
  string errMsg = (string)creditResult.ErrMsg;
  string respMsg = (string)creditResult.RespMsg;

  bool txApproved = (bool)creditResult.TxApproved;
  int resultTxId = (int)creditResult.TxID;

  // Check for unexpected error on server
  if (!functionOk)
    MessageBox.Show(errMsg + " ErrorCode: " + errCode);
    // <Insert your Logging function here>

  // Check for declined transaction
  if (!txApproved)
    MessageBox.Show(respMsg + " Decline Code: " + txnCode);
    // <Insert your Logging function here>
    MessageBox.Show(respMsg + " Approval Code: " + txnCode);
    // <Insert your Logging function here>
    // <Do something with the response if needed>

Query Transaction

An example of using Query_Transaction method.

public static async Task TransactionQuery(string sessKey, string query)
  using HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
  string apiUrl = "";

  string jsonContent = $$"""

  HttpContent content = new StringContent(
    jsonContent, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
  httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("SessKey", sessKey);
  HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient
    .PostAsync(apiUrl, content);

  if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
    MessageBox.Show("Error code: " + response.StatusCode);
    // <Insert your Logging function here>

  var queryResponse = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert
      await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
  var queryResult = queryResponse.Transaction_QueryResult;

  // Here are some of the important values 
  bool functionOk = (bool)queryResult.FunctionOk;
  int errCode = (int)queryResult.ErrCode;
  string errMsg = (string)queryResult.ErrMsg;
  string respMsg = (string)queryResult.RespMsg;

  // Check for unexpected error on server
  if (!functionOk)
    MessageBox.Show(errMsg + " ErrorCode: " + errCode);
    // <Insert your Logging function here>

  var transactions = queryResult.Transactions;
  // <Display your transactions here>

An example of using Query_ConsentGeneral method.

public static async Task ConsentGeneralQuery(string sessKey, string query)
  using HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
  string apiUrl = "";

  string jsonContent = $$"""

  HttpContent content = new StringContent(
    jsonContent, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
  httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("SessKey", sessKey);
  HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient
    .PostAsync(apiUrl, content);

  if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
    MessageBox.Show("Error code: " + response.StatusCode);
    // <Insert your Logging function here>

  var queryResponse = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert
      await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
  var queryResult = queryResponse.ConsentGeneral_QueryResult;

  // Here are some of the important values 
  bool functionOk = (bool)queryResult.FunctionOk;
  int errCode = (int)queryResult.ErrCode;
  string errMsg = (string)queryResult.ErrMsg;
  string respMsg = (string)queryResult.RespMsg;

  // Check for unexpected error on server
  if (!functionOk)
    MessageBox.Show(errMsg + " ErrorCode: " + errCode);
    // <Insert your Logging function here>

  var consents = queryResult.Consents;

  // <Display your consents here>

Generate Receipt

An example of using ReceiptGenerate method.

public static async Task ShowReceipt(
  string sessKey, int refID, int receiptType, int recipient)
   * ReceiptType 2 VOID RECEIPT
   * ReceiptType 3 REFUND RECEIPT
   * ReceiptType 4 ANNUAL RECEIPT
   * ReceiptType 5 RECURRING RECEIPT
   * Recipient 1 MERCHANT COPY
   * Recipient 2 CUSTOMER COPY
   * Recipient 3 DUAL COPY */

  using HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
  string apiUrl = "";

  string jsonContent = $$"""
    {"REFID":{{refID}}, "ReceiptType":{{receiptType}}, "Recipient":{{recipient}}}

  HttpContent content = new StringContent(
    jsonContent, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
  httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("SessKey", sessKey);
  HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient
    .PostAsync(apiUrl, content);

  if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
    MessageBox.Show("Error code: " + response.StatusCode);
    // <Insert your Logging function here>

  var receiptResponse = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert
      await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
  var receiptResult = receiptResponse.ReceiptGenerateResult;

  // Here are some of the important values 
  bool functionOk = (bool)receiptResult.FunctionOk;
  int errCode = (int)receiptResult.ErrCode;
  string errMsg = (string)receiptResult.ErrMsg;
  string respMsg = (string)receiptResult.RespMsg;

  // Check for unexpected error on server
  if (!functionOk)
    MessageBox.Show(errMsg + " ErrorCode: " + errCode);
    // <Insert your Logging function here>

  /* Receipt generation successful. 
   * You may now add the HTML to your page.
   * <Logic to display HTML, e.g. 
   *  webBrowser1.DocumentText = response.ReceiptHtml;> */

Last updated

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